Tuesday 10 April 2012


Hi there,

 The thing that gets me is that although we live in a country (the UK) where education is freely available, and compulsory to the age of 18 now, it is staggering how many people believe incomprehensible myths about science. I believe this is why many people turn a blind eye to science. 

For example, a recent post which I saw on a social networking site said something along the lines of "Evolutionists believe a human baby was born from a monkey, and this is why I don't believe in evolution." Well... if that is what evolutionists say then I might not believe in evolution either. But I do. So I am here to correct these myths, whatever they may be, so people can have a clear and fair view of science.

Some may think I am here to condemn religion. I am not, I am simply here to correct scientific myths. You still have the free choice of what to believe.

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