Saturday 16 June 2012

No Gravity???

If someone said to you there is no gravity in space, you would probably agree with them. Right?

Well... the fact is, there is. If there was no gravity in space then nothing would orbit anything.

Gravity extends for long long long long distances. So long that there are things orbiting the sun which are so far away, that if you stood on them, the sun would just look like any other star against the black darkness of space. And it goes even further than that. Not bad for the weakest force in the universe.

So you're probably asking (or at least thinking) "why do astronauts experience no gravity then?" And that is a good question. Astronauts do actually experience gravity, what they don't experience is weight. 

Take the astronauts on the International Space Station for example. They are orbiting the Earth at 17,227 mph. The astronauts would also be travelling at that speed, but at the same time they are falling towards the Earth due to the Earth's gravitational pull. However, the speed they are travelling at sideways is so great that they 'keep missing' the Earth as they go round. So it can be said that they are constantly falling, and hence experience weightlessness, but it can't be said they experience gravitionlessness for two reasons: 1) as gravitionlessness isn't a word apparently; and 2) if there was no gravity, they would just zoom off at 17,227 mph. Luckily that hasn't happened yet, so in conclusion, gravity must exist in space.